Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting Ready

Started packing.
Went to the dentist and had a cavity filled and wondered at the randomness of doing this type of "smallish", everyday thing when something so HUGE is coming in 8 days.

Went to co-op registration for the kids yesterday and signed up Abby as well - it was very weird! Also scheduled her doctor and dentist appointments for when she gets back, and it made it all seem so real. I don't feel like the mother of 5 yet.

Have a hot date with my honey tonight.


  1. It does seem real when you start making appointments for your new child!!!

    Have fun with your husband tonight!!

    BTW, we are still waiting for our CA!!!!

    I will email you soon.

  2. How exciting! I have to ask though, where did your awesome packing list go?!?! ;) I was just coming here to look for it!

  3. hehe...enjoy the hot date while you can get it! :)

    So excited for your newest addition! We hope to be leaving somewhere around 2/20.
