Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Forever Brothers

A while back, I mentioned my bloggy friend and fellow AF wife Sonia was in the process of trying to bring home two GORGEOUS little guys from China (check them out on my sidebar). To add to her four boys already at home, mind you. Because apparently she doesn't have enough sweaty boy laundry to fill her days yet. I only have three boys, and the dirty socks that pile up on my kitchen floor (yes, I said KITCHEN floor) are enough to keep my washer running all day. But I digress....
Through amazing, miraculous circumstances that could only have been orchestrated by our AWESOME Father, these two little guys Sonia's family is adding to their home are the very best of friends, and are currently in the same foster home in China. You can read the rest of their incredible story HERE.

While you are there, you can find out how to participate in their upcoming drawing for some pretty cool prizes, and help this beautiful story be completed.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, that was too sweet! Thank you! And yes, I'm SO with you on the dirty socks...mine end up in the living room mostly, but I still understand. ;) They also think the kitchen table is a great place to put your shoes while you are putting your socks on. Good times. Good times. Hey! We need to be Facebook friends! Can you email me? mommyof4jays@msn.com I hope you have a great day and I am loving following your overseas adventure! We should be finding out where we are headed this summer sometime around the new year...I'm hoping a beach and palm trees will be involved. Blessings friend!
