Friday, May 7, 2010


Well, we're finally back home. We had an incredible, amazing two weeks. First week, on the beach at Sanibel Island, for a last get together with most of DH's family before we leave for Japan. Amazing beach, perfect weather, and wonderful people all added up to a fantastic time for all. It was great watching Abby take everything in, and I was so HAPPY for her, not only for how much she enjoyed the beach, but how well she fit in with everyone. And I am so grateful to have such a loving family, so glad for the way they all just welcomed her and made her feel incredibly loved and accepted. Not that I ever had any doubts that's the way it would be, but it was touching to watch.

Then, on our last day of the beach vacation, when the kids thought we were going home, we broke the news. We were actually going to make a short little five day stop at Disney before heading back. We got their reactions on video when we broke the news. Will post soon. Lots and lots of pictures to come, too.

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